The Elements of Harmony > Figured Bass (in-depth)
Figured Bass Generator
As seen in Figured Bass (basic), an Exact Figured Bass will describe the exact position of all four notes in a chord; however, the generic Figured Bass (or its abbreviation) is sufficient to specify all Triads or Quadriads, and any of their inversions.
The abbreviated Figured Bass will not, however, specify which note is doubled, in the case of Triads being used in four part harmony [see Triads (in-depth) ]. Nor will it indicate if a Quadriad contains a doubled root [see Quadriads (in-depth)]. A non-abbreviated Figured Bass would be required to specify chord choices involving the doubling of specific notes.
The interactive chart below allows users to generate a Figured Bass (as well as its abbreviated form) for any combination of the four parameters that fully describe a chord within a specific key.
Please note that the Figured Bass generated by this application will describe chords in close position only. A real-life chord progression would almost certainly contain a variety of open position chords, in order to bring the notes within the comfortable ranges of the singing voices. Note repositioning is left entirely to the craft of the musician/orchestrator.
A note about Choice : A best, or first, choice chord always has a doubled root in the case of Triads, and no doubled notes in the case of Quadriads. Where this is not possible due to voice leading restrictions (consecutive or hidden fifths and octaves), a second choice for Triads is to double the 5th, and for Quadriads is to double the root, omitting the 5th. While there is no third choice for Quadriads, there is a third choice for Triads: double the 3rd. In the case of a final major chord, Triads may utilize a fourth choice: triple the root, omitting the fifth.
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