The Elements of Harmony > Figured Bass (basic)


Figured Bass explained...

gured Bass is a symbolic notation for describing Triads and Quadriads within a Key. The notation specifies the lowest note of the chord, as well as the inversion of the chord.


Sometimes, to avoid writing the bass notes on a staff, a roman numeral may be used to denote the position of the bass note on the major or harmonic minor scale, while arabic numerals still denote the inversion. The resulting alphanumeric symbols will likewise denote a Figured Bass:

The diagram below shows the Figured Bass for Triads and Quadriads (in C major) in their various inversions. The conventionally adopted abbreviation for each Figured Bass is also shown. Note that the arabic numerals are derived from the interval of each constituent note from the bass note.

In the above diagram, all chords are in close position. In each of the above chords, the constituent notes can be rearranged into an open position (while maintaining the same bass note), and this would not alter the functional characteristics of the chord. See Chords (basic). Since the Figured Bass notation is designed to describe only the function and the inversion of a chord (and not the exact arrangement of notes), the Figured Bass notation generally describes a chord in close position, and will not change in passing from close to open position. The exact positioning of the notes above the bass note is left entirely to the discretion of the musician.


The diagram below shows just one of many ways in which the chord I can be rearranged from close to open position. The exact placement of the notes in open position could be described only by an Exact Figured Bass.



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